Happy Mental Health Awareness Month! 

Happy Monday Everyone!!!! 

Welcome to your first Monday of the month! May is a bittersweet month for me because it’s my husband’s birthday and it’s also the month that my foster mom passed away 13 years ago.

Needless to say,  there’s a lot of emotions swirling around!

Fortunately, May is also Mental Health Awareness Month! A special time to raise awareness around mental health.This gives people a chance to better understand themselves and their own mental health symptoms, as well as feeling less alone during their suffering. I also love the idea that there’s less stigma when it comes to reaching out and receiving various types of treatment.  

Based upon my own experience as I navigate this journey towards wellness, mental health is most definitely a daily practice! Just like our physical health, we know we must do certain things to improve our overall health. Things like eating healthy and exercising more regularly. 

Same is true with our state of mental health. In fact, I believe this is more crucial as the mental often drives the physical.

My mantra has always been “Working towards being FIT and Flexible! Both in my Mind and Body!” One of the best ways to do that is starting and ending my day with a gratitude practice, as well as daily affirmations. This helps  to train my mind to look for the micro moments of joy and happiness. 

You see, our brain is designed to keep us alive and safe. So it’s conditioned to look for what’s wrong in our lives. That’s why it’s important to implement these rituals to enhance our state of wellbeing! 

One thing I know for sure is that when I’m not on top of my game with these self care rituals, my brain goes back into default mode (scarcity mindset)  and if I don’t catch it in time, my scarcity mindset can create anxiety in my body! 

So, please please please give yourself the gift of gratitude to train your mind to be more happy and healthy both physically and mentally

Sending you lots of love this month

If you feel the need to reach out, just know that I am here for you! 

Remember, we’re always stronger together so even if  it's just someone to talk to.  Or if you need more tips on taking care of your mental health! Whatever it is, I”M HERE FOR YOU!!!!


Nancy Pitre, Your Health Coach 

Nancy Pitre