How to balance your nervous system

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!!

I hope you had a great weekend! It’s been a couple weeks since I wrote to you. I’m so glad to be back!!!

Today I have a really important topic and that is “How to Balance the Nervous System!”

It’s so easy nowadays to stay stuck in the “fight or flight” response. Which is the sympathetic response (stress response) of our nervous system. There’s so many reasons why most of us stay stuck in this state. 

  1. The need to stay busy and find relaxation to be unproductive (guilty)

  2. The over stimulation of our devices, keeping us “ON” all the time (guilty)

  3. The perception of pressure and urgency we put on ourselves (guilty)

  4. The ongoing automatic negative thoughts that consumes us

I mean the list is endless! The thing is, we’re only meant to live in this sympathetic (fight or flight) state for a short burst at a time and then return to the parasympathetic (rest, digest, heal) state. Unfortunately most of us live in a state of fight or flight response most of the time. 

One of the most contributing factors of why we don’t feel good!

Well today I hope to change that for you with 3 ways to balance the nervous system.

  1. Eating foods that love you back. Meaning foods that will support the adrenals and the nervous system. Things like (Bananas, Broccoli sprouts, Beef, Bone Broth, Celery, Celtic Salt, Camu Camu, Cauliflower, Liver, Kiwi, Turkey, Avocados, Coconut Water, Collagen, Salmon).  Taking ashwagandha (a known adaptogen to reduce cortisol).  Reducing agitating/aggravating foods/drinks like coffee and pro-inflammatory foods (fried foods, gluten, dairy, refined sugars).

  2. Meditation can be very beneficial to help modulate stress. If you haven’t done this before, you will need to be patient with this exercise. Aim for just a couple minutes each day to start. You can check out Youtube for different meditation styles. My personal favorite is box breathing or alternate nostril breathing. 

  3. Practice good sleep hygiene. Quality sleep is the foundation to healing your nervous system! You can use the 3, 2, 1 method for a good night’s sleep. Meaning avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime, No screens 2 hours before bedtime and allow 1 hour of down time to get your body ready for a good night’s sleep. I get that this is a big ask, which is why I encourage you to work your way up to these numbers.

I hope this blog post serves you well. If you want to learn more on how to heal the nervous system or if you’d like to work with me, you can simply reply to this email requesting a free 15-minute consultation call or check out my website at 

I look forward to serving you again next week

Until then, take good care of yourself and your nervous system


Your Health & Wellness Coach

Nancy Pitre 

Nancy Pitre