Why I became a Health & Wellness Coach & 3 simple practices you can do to enhance your state of wellbeing! 

Happy Monday everyone! 

I’m so excited that June is here! You can just feel the summer vibes! 

I’d like to start this month by sharing a little bit of my health coaching journey and why I became a health and wellness coach, 

The moment I noticed how much nutrition played a huge role in my overall health and my state of wellbeing, I grew passionate about learning all the natural ways of improving my mental health..

Every time I learned something fascinating I couldn’t wait to share it with my loved ones. The best part was hearing how much it improved their state of wellbeing! 

 That’s when I knew Health Coaching was definitely worth pursuing!!!! 

I’ve been a Health Coach for 8 years and I still can’t believe I get to do this work everyday!!!

Nothing is more fulfilling than having such a positive impact on others!!!

Having said that I would love to share with you 3 simple practices you can do to enhance your state of wellbeing now!

  1. When you first wake up, have yourself a warm glass of lemon water to cleanse your body, boost your immune system and activate your digestive enzymes 

  2. Take two 5-minute breaks throughout the day and do this alternate-nostril breathing exercise. This will help calm the nervous system, and relax the digestive system. 


Place the pad of your right thumb over the outside of your right nostril

Then, place the pad of your right index finger over the outside of your    

      left nostril. 

Now, press your thumb down to close off the right nostril. 

Gently and fully inhale through the left nostril for a count of 4. 

Hold your breath for a count of 6.

At the count of 6, use your ring finger to close your left nostril, lift your thumb to open your right nostril, and exhale through the right nostril for a count of 8. 

Then inhale through the right nostril for a count of 6. 

At the count of 6, use your thumb to close off your right nostril, lift your ring finger to open the left nostril, and exhale through your left nostril for a count of 8. 

3. Move your body to boost your mood. This has definitely been a game changer for my state of wellbeing and I highly recommend it. It could be as simple as a 30-minute fast-paced walk or a light jog. It could be yoga, dancing, weight lifting, etc… Any form of exercise that you enjoy to make it sustainable.

Just a reminder that these small changes can have a big impact if you remain consistent! It’s like that ol saying “little by little, a little becomes a lot!” And that’s how you create a healthy sustainable lifestyle that you desire and deserve!!!

I just want to end this blog post by expressing my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support!

I love serving you each week and I especially love hearing your feedback!

If you feel like you want to start creating lasting changes in your health/wellbeing but you don’t know where to start. Simply reply to this email to schedule your free 15-minute health consultation. 

You can also check out my website for healthy recipes, health coaching programs, gut health program, wellness courses and so much more…


Have yourself a great week


Your Health Coach

Nancy Pitre 

Nancy Pitre