How to build resilience to stress

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

I hope you had a great weekend!

This week, I’d like to talk to you about how to build resilience within the nervous system so you can have a better handle on life's stressors. 

I get so inspired by those who can handle life’s stressors and still remain calm.

Now that I’m learning so much about the nervous system, I finally understand why and how! 

Ever wondered why some people remain calm, cool, and collected no matter what life throws at them? Well a lot of it has to do with the health of your nervous system!

One of the best ways to build resilience to stress is to work on healing these 4 parts of your nervous system.

  1. Brain - Replenishing the neurotransmitters (feel-good hormones) inside the brain/gut. For ex: Serotonin, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that’s responsible for making you feel calm and at peace. Dopamine, an excitatory neurotransmitter that’s responsible for making you feel motivated and energetic. 

  2. Nervous system - Repairing the myelin sheath (electrical insulator) of your nervous system that’s responsible for your sense of wellbeing. 

  3. Adrenal glands - Supporting the adrenal glands so your body can secrete the right amount of adrenal/cortisol instead of living off of stress hormones.

  4. Thyroid - Improving your thyroid for lasting energy throughout the day.  

Now that we have a better understanding of these 4 parts and the role they play within the nervous system, let’s talk about how we can replenish and heal the nervous system so you can build more resilience to life’s stressors.

  1. Eat easy to digest foods that will provide less of a burden on the body. Things like ripped fruits, skinless fruits to prevent gut irritation. Metabolic proteins that are easier for the body to break down. Combining macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats) to stabilize blood sugar. 

  2. Eating smaller meals more frequently to give your body the fuel it needs to regulate blood sugar so it can shut off the stress response. 

  3. Nutrient-dense foods to support all 4 parts of the nervous systems. (Adrenals, Thyroid, Nervous System, Brain) 

Adrenals - banana, bone broth, broccoli sprouts, camu camu for added magnesium, vitamin B, C 

Thyroid - cashews, eggs, avocados, pumpkin seeds, sea vegetables for added selenium, iodine, iron, vitamin B, E, D

Nervous System - carrots, cherries, coconut water, salmon for added electrolytes, EPA/DHA, manganese, vitamin A,C, D, E, K

Brain - basil, turmeric, garlic, sage, ginger to help balance dopamine, serotonin and GABA (feel-good neurotransmitters) 

I hope this blog post serves you well. If you feel this blog post would serve someone you know, please spread the love by sharing it!

For more info on how to build resilience within the nervous system, simply reply to this email to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call to talk about ways we can enhance your overall health and wellbeing.

Looking forward to serving you next week

Until then, Be Well…

Nancy Pitre 

Your Health & Wellness Coach

Nancy Pitre