How to bring more presence in your everyday life!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!!

It’s a hot one out there! Please stay cool!!!!

I just came back from a very therapeutic bike ride! I say therapeutic because it brings me so much joy and presence that it allows me to feel the moment more deeply! 

I just love starting the day that way because it sets a beautiful tone to my day! 

It’s so easy to get caught up in our to-do list and/or get distracted from our phones that we sometimes forget to feel the day!

My daughter just turned 14 years old last weekend and I was like “how are you 14 years old already? Weren’t you just starting kindergarten a couple years ago?” I find that as we get older, life passes us by so fast! I’m sure you can relate to what I’m saying.

I believe it’s because as we get older we get caught in a loop of over thinking and over doing that it takes away from the present moment. Once we do get a moment to ourselves, we’ve conditioned ourselves (myself included) to reach for something to distract us. For example: scrolling social media, and/or binge watching Netflix. When we get caught in the doing vs being, we miss out on the moments that make us feel alive and present. 

Since life is measured by moments and we don’t give ourselves the chance to fully embrace it, that’s when life can pass us by too quickly! 

That’s why I want to share a few things you can do to slow things down so you don’t miss out on your precious life! 

  1. Spending time in nature. The rhythm of nature is very slow. That's why when you spend time in nature (camping, hiking, walking, biking) you feel more relaxed and time slows down. 

  2. Do less, be more! After all, we are human beings, not human doings. I invite you to block some time in your schedule and just be. For some, myself included, this can be very uncomfortable because we’re so used to being busy but the more you practice this, the easier it gets. 

  3. Invite more presence in your everyday life by doing this exercise. Take a moment out of your day and describe the following;

List 5 things that you see

List 4 things that you feel

List 3 things that you hear

List 2 things that you smell

List 1 thing that you taste

For example: I have this lovely morning ritual that allows me to do this exercise

I pour myself a cup of warm lemon water. I sit in stillness for 5-10 minutes. I start paying attention to 5 things I can see.  It can be the birds on the hydro line, the art on my wall, etc…

Next I describe 4 things that I can feel. For example: the warm glass I’m holding. The soft cushion I’m sitting on, the warm blanket that surrounds me. 

Then I describe 3 things I can hear. For ex: The birds chirping, the quietness in the room. 

Then I describe 2 things I can smell. For ex: The essential oils in my diffuser, the scent of my lemon water

And finally, I describe 1 thing that I can taste, which is my warm glass of lemon water. Yum!

 This simple practice is so profound because it conditions you to be present throughout your day which allows you to feel the day more. Because, at the end of our lives, we really want to feel each moment!

I hope this blog post serves as a beautiful reminder to give yourself the gift of presence. If you feel this would serve your loved ones, please give them the gift of presence by sharing it! 

I look forward to serving you next week, until then, stay cool, stay present and feel the moment


Nancy Pitre,

Your Health & Wellness Coach

Nancy Pitre